If you have been to the pool lately you may have noticed the warmer water and our new furniture. We hope you enjoy the pool and jacuzzi this summer. Please review the pool rules.
Please review and adhere to the Association’s skateboarding rules.
There has been a great deal of research and quite a bit of interest in seceding from the GRG Master Asssociation. The Board will be putting out, under separate mailing, a questionnaire asking for input regarding secession from the Master Association. Please look for it and return the lower portion so that we can determine the percentage of interest in this subject.
When you trim a plant, tree or shrub, this prompts new growth and enhances the beauty of the plant. Trimming can also redefine the plant’s shape and change an unwieldy plant back into a more uniform and aesthetic design. Pruning is the reduction or removal of certain parts of the plant that are no longer effective or essential. When you prune a plant, this revives the energy of the plant, which helps in the development of fruits, flowers and new limbs.
Please take a look in your backyards and courtyards and trim and trees, shrubs and other vegetation away from the building, roofs and walls.
Our annual meeting will be early this year - Sept. 17. Think about filling a board position. Please notify management if you are interested.
Service and clean your grill.
Depending on how much you grill, regular or seasonal deep cleaning of your barbecue is a must. Dirty, fat laden barbecue grills with a nasty buildup of meat juices, grease and carbon can dangerous. A warm dirty grill is a great incubator for food borne illnesses and carcinogens, as well as a favorite treat of rats and other rodents. A dirty grill also presents a greater risk of catastrophic fire.
Before firing up the grill this summer, give it a thorough cleaning and inspection to ensure all of the components are free of clogs and debris. This will keep your grill operating properly and will keep your guests coming back for more.
Now is a great time to organize your bedroom closet.
Clothes aren’t collector’s items so don’t hold onto them if they no longer fit or just aren’t your style anymore. Store or donate winter clothes if you can. When you donate, you’ll receive a tax receipt that you can save for your next tax filing. When deciding what to donate, use the “wear rule”-- if you didn’t wear it last winter, then you probably won’t wear it next winter.
Repair or replace damaged screens.
Screens should let fresh air in and keep everything else out. If damaged, screens can allow insects, leaves and other debris to get into the home. To keep these unwanted visitors off the guest list, inspect all window and door screens for rips or punctures. If you find any damage, make immediate repairs or replace them. This can be done quickly and cheaply and will allow you to open your windows without worrying about being invaded.
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