Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April Newsletter

We have had some complaints from the Landscaper about damage to newly planted lawns from dogs. Please be considerate about where your dog goes. Especially if you notice it has been seeded or sodded.

The landcapers are going to start tree trimming throughout the association. Spring is a good time to do your own backyard trimming.

When you trim a plant in the spring this prompts new growth and enhances the beauty of the plant. Trimming can also redefine the plant’s shape and change an unwieldy plant back into a more uniform and aesthetic design. Furthermore, pruning eliminates the chance that a contaminated plant will infect others. Pruning is the reduction or removal of certain parts of the plant that are no longer effective or essential. When you prune a plant, this revives the energy of the plant, which helps in the development of fruits, flowers and new limbs.

Vines definitely need trimming in the spring. If you don’t, they will become unwieldy and there may be more stem than there are blooms. Prune trumpet flower vines, wisteria and silver lace vine back to the top of the plant. This will prompt the growth of new branches and tendrils. When vines become too straggly, the growth will become deformed and there will be less flowering. Vigorous pruning of wisteria will result in rapid growth the next year. If you don’t want that to happen, be circumspect in your pruning and don’t get carried away.
Read more: Plants to Trim in Spring |

We have 2 volunteers for the Tamarack Point Townhome Citizen Review Committee to review and update our CC&R’s. We could use 1 or 2 more people. If you are interested in volunteering for a position on this committee or have questions, please contact Gail Thompson at Thompson Management.  Updates will provided in the newsletter next month. Thank you.

Remember to request and Architechtural change request form when making any exterior alterations. Submit these to Thompson Management for the Board to approve.

The pool tempurature has been turned up to 80º.  Please observe pool rules. 

Fire Extinguisher: Always have a multi-purpose fire extinguisher accessible

Make sure it is Underwriters Laboratories (UL) listed or Factory Mutual (FM) approved. Check the gauges to make sure they are charged and ready to use.

Check your water heater
- If you have a gas-fired water heater, check to make sure it is venting properly. Light a match next to the vent and wave it out (don’t blow it out). See if the smoke is pulled up into the vent. If it isn’t, have a professional inspect and repair it. Otherwise, carbon monoxide and other combustibles can build up in the home.

- Check around the base of your water heater for evidence of leaks. If your water heater is over 5 years old, it should be checked monthly for any leakage or rusting at the bottom. If water leakage or rust is found, the water heater should be replaced.

- Check the shutoff valve at each plumbing fixture to make sure they function

- Know the location of all valves and what equipment and water lines they serve. Teach all family members.

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